Apartments for rent in

High Point, NC

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High Point, NC

City Guide

High Point, NC is a vibrant city located in the heart of the Piedmont Triad of North Carolina. It is the home to a bustling economy and a diverse population. The rental market in High Point is quite competitive, with many attractive options for potential tenants.

The average rental price in High Point is quite affordable, with one-bedroom apartments and condos being offered for as low as $650 per month. The most expensive area of the city is the downtown area, where rental prices tend to be slightly higher than the city average.

High Point is served by two public school districts: Guilford County Schools and High Point City Schools. Guilford County Schools is the largest and most comprehensive school district in the area, with numerous schools in the city and county. High Point City Schools is a smaller district, but offers some excellent opportunities for students.

When it comes to neighborhoods, High Point has a wide variety of options. The city has numerous historic neighborhoods, such as the East End, West End and Uptown, which are home to a variety of different housing styles. There are also newer neighborhoods, such as Oakwood and Southside, which offer a more modern lifestyle.

High Point has a relatively low crime

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High Point, NC

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High Point, NC
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High Point, NC Apartments for Rent | Rentlingo