Apartments for rent in

Harrisonburg, VA

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Harrisonburg, VA

City Guide

Harrisonburg is a small city in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, and its rental market is an appealing option for those seeking a comfortable and affordable place to call home. The city has a population of approximately 52,000, and its rental market is quite diverse, with options available to fit all budgets and lifestyles.

When it comes to schools, Harrisonburg City Public Schools have consistently been ranked among the best in the state. In addition to the public school system, there are also several private schools, such as Eastern Mennonite University and James Madison University, that offer excellent academic opportunities for students.

Harrisonburg also offers a number of attractive neighborhoods to choose from for renters. The Old Town district is the city's oldest, with buildings dating back to the late 19th century. The area is known for its eclectic restaurants and bars, and its unique architecture. Other popular neighborhoods include the City Center, which is home to a variety of shops and restaurants, and the West End, which is a more family-friendly area, with plenty of parks and playgrounds.

The average monthly rent for an apartment in Harrisonburg is around $900, which is quite affordable compared to other cities in the area. Houses are typically more expensive

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Harrisonburg, VA Apartments for Rent | Rentlingo