Apartments for rent in

Aurora, IL

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Aurora, IL

City Guide

Aurora, IL, is a vibrant city located in the western suburbs of Chicago and part of the Fox River Valley. The city has a population of over 200,000 and is the second largest city in Illinois. Aurora is known for its diverse population, excellent schools, and strong economy.

The rental market in Aurora is very competitive, with many people looking to rent in this vibrant city. The average rental price in Aurora is $1,400 per month, though the average rental price may fluctuate depending on the area you choose to live in. The city is divided into three main areas: downtown, the far west side, and the far east side. Downtown Aurora is the most popular area for renters, as it offers more affordable housing and a great selection of restaurants and entertainment. The far west side is known for its more affordable apartments and townhomes, while the far east side is known for its more luxurious housing options.

When it comes to schools, Aurora is served by the West Aurora School District 129 and East Aurora School District 131. Both school districts offer excellent educational opportunities, with some of the top schools in the state. West Aurora High School and East Aurora High School are both highly rated, with a wide range of programs.

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Aurora, IL

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Aurora, IL
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Aurora, IL Apartments for Rent | Rentlingo