7 Reasons you'll love micro apartments in a big city.

By Jared McKinney

Are you looking for a new place to call home?

Many young professionals are making the switch to micro apartments. They're a great way to get the tiny house lifestyle in a handy rental unit.

If you've looked at micro apartments in the past, you've probably had a common thought: how can you live comfortably in a home that's so small?

It's true, micro apartments don't offer a lot of space. These micro-unit apartments look more like closets to the untrained eye, so how can you live in one?

We're here to talk about why you shouldn't dismiss these tiny living spaces before you give them a fair chance! Keep reading to learn all about micro apartments and why you might want to make one into your next home.

First: What Are Micro Apartments?

You might be thinking that you're well aware of what a micro apartment is. It's like a studio apartment, right?

Well, yes, but only if that studio apartment is already quite small. Think of a micro apartment as a baby apartment without any of the bells and whistles. Many of them are more like college dormitories.

Micro apartments are usually smaller than 200 square feet. They have room for a single bed, a small amount of storage, and often a small counter space. If you're lucky, you'll have room for a small desk if you design your room the right way.

Micro apartments often don't have restrooms or kitchens. You can have a small cooking device (like a single burner, toaster oven, or air fryer), but the rest of the cooking materials are in a common area. You will likely have a mini-fridge.

Restrooms are also in common areas.

These apartments are best for single people or couples who are very keen on spending time together. They're popular amongst people who often work in a large city while also having a home elsewhere.

While people with pets who need to roam (like cats and dogs) aren't well suited for these apartments, there are plenty of benefits to living in such a small space.

1. Mental Health Benefits

Brains are funny. You might think that living in such a small space would stress you out, but for many people, this isn't true. While those who are claustrophobic may want to opt for a larger apartment or home, many people discover that a small space is just what they need to get their mental health back on track.

Having a small space means that, while clutter will overwhelm you quickly, it's easy to remove it. You don't have to stress about excessive decorating or keeping up appearances, and entertaining won't be on your mind.

When you get home, you get to relax.

Having such a small space may also help with your sleep hygiene if you do it right. As long as you commit to doing things outside of the apartment (like working, eating, and any activities), you'll start associating your apartment with bedtime.

This means that getting to sleep will be easier when you come home.

2. Downsizing and Minimizing

Do you feel like you have too much stuff?

As we go through life, we start accumulating things that we don't need anymore. You may get some things from family members or former roommates, get too attached to old sentimental items, or gather furniture and decorations that you don't need.

Moving into a micro apartment forces you to downsize and work on minimalism, and that's a good thing!

When you're trying to decide what gets to take up valuable space in your new apartment, you'll have an easier time figuring out what's actually important to you. You'll be more intentional about the things you bring into the home.

This will also help you when you're out shopping. You won't find yourself wasting as much money on objects that will just take up space.

Living a minimalist lifestyle can be relaxing, and this might be the perfect opportunity for you to get started.

3. Lower Costs

One of the primary reasons that people choose micro apartments is the affordability factor.

These apartments are often far cheaper than other apartments in the same area. Even studios that are in desirable areas can be very expensive and they don't offer much more than micro apartments.

You can save a lot of money on rent by stripping your lifestyle down to the bare essentials. While you won't be splitting your rent with roommates, you'll be paying a fraction of the cost that other people are paying.

You also will have lower costs associated with utilities. When you're not using your own water and you don't use much electricity, these costs don't add up as much. Most of the time, utilities are split throughout the entire complex or included as a part of your monthly rent.

These places take less energy to warm up or cool down, so even if you use external heating or cooling devices, they won't burn up as much energy.

Finally, because you're no longer buying as many new things, you're saving money day-to-day. You have to be strategic about food, clothing, and even decorations.

4. Less Cleaning

If you've ever lived in a house or large apartment, you know that cleaning can get overwhelming before you know it. Living alone can cause you to become lazy with your cleaning routine so your mess will continue to accumulate.

Kitchens are often the most problematic, and if you have a spare room, you know that there are likely things piled up.

When you live in a micro apartment, you don't have to deal with this problem. Because micro apartment floor plans are so limited, you don't have much ground to cover. There's no room for a mess.

If something starts getting cluttered, you'll see it right away. You don't have enough space to leave it alone.

Because there's no bathroom or kitchen in most of these apartments, you don't even have to worry about the messiest part of the apartment.

5. Getting Out of the "House"

Are you a homebody?

While the unfortunate downside of living in a micro apartment is that you can't spend a lot of fun time in your own space, the flipside is that you now have the motivation to get out into the real world.

Staying in your apartment all day is isolating, and there's no need for it. While you can spend quiet days in, you now have the opportunity to get out and see what your city has to offer.

It's so easy to resist the temptations of socializing and getting out when you live in a large apartment or home. Why leave when you have everything right there at your disposal?

Think of yourself as a baby bird and your apartment as your nest. You're being pushed out, but it will help you grow!

6. Bonding with Neighbors

Too many people never meet their neighbors, even when they're only a door away!

It's normal to be shy or not have an interest in befriending anyone that lives near you, but you'll find that your life is far more enjoyable if you get to know your neighbors.

You'll be safer and you may even get to enjoy some social opportunities that weren't available to you before.

Because micro apartments are built around common areas, it's hard to avoid your neighbors. You'll pass each other in the hallways, on the way to the restrooms, and while you're cooking.

Many micro apartment complexes have social events. They also tend to have recreational areas where you can hang out with neighbors or even bring your friends.

Get out of your comfort zone and go hang out with your neighbors!

7. Proximity to Work and Play

People tend to pick micro apartments if they're spending a brief amount of time in a large city. These apartments tend to be closer to city centers, making them ideal for commuters and people who rely on public transport.

Being in the city means that you're close to city amenities and your workplace. This cuts down on travel time and allows you to have more fun and enjoy the city that you're calling home.

Is a Micro Apartment Right for You?

Micro apartments are small, but that doesn't mean that they're not great homes. Don't let the petite size fool you!

If you're a young professional who's looking for a place to stay, you might be the perfect fit for a micro apartment. You don't have the hassle of roommates, the struggle of keeping your home clean, or the high costs associated with apartment living.

What's not to love?

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